Journal of Cyber Affairs (JCA) will be launched in 2017, at a crucial time when the internet is facilitating unprecedented, multi-faceted interactions around the globe. JCA aims to become an international scholarly journal dedicated to publishing multidisciplinary research on the impacts and implications of the internet on global communities. JCA aims to address global challenges in three major internet-related areas of technology, policy-making and legislation. JCA encourages researchers around the world to take unconventional approaches in studying how the internet is shaping and redefining global cooperation, business models, national boundaries as well as human lives and relationships. JCA articles address human interactions with the internet, not the internet per se, and the internet is treated as a medium through which cyber affairs shaping human behaviours, relations, businesses and cultures are discussed, expressed, and observed. Simply, JCA encourages internet studies with important practical implications. JCA thus welcomes original theoretical and practical research, literature reviews, and book reviews that are related to the latest developments in cyberspace.In addition to scholars with a wide range of research backgrounds, JCA also welcomes research articles and reports from policymakers, think tanks, technologists, tech institutes, and corporations. As the flagship publication of CyberLabs, JCA serves as a scholarly platform connecting internet-related technologies and public policy in exploring the ramifications of our increasingly networked world. Articles published in JCA will be peer-reviewed, which focus on a series of global challenges related to cyber affairs, engagement and connection in cyberspace. With the help of researchers around the globe, JCA should make a distinctive contribution to helping governments, institutions and corporations in all nations formulate sustainable internet poli
Publish high-indexed reviews, overviews or meta-analysis studies on significant developments in the areas of the impact, application and adoption of cyber technology, cyber policy and internet governance.Most of the JCA articles will target a wide range of researchers, scholars and policy makers who may get inspired, though they may come from different research backgrounds or disciplines.Rather than reporting minor breakthroughs in research in a narrow area, JCA aims to publish engaging articles that facilitate public discussion on global challenges involving the internet and cyber affairs.The journal authors are top scholars in the areas of communication, political sciences, computer science, sociology and psychology who also like to share their research with other researchers, especially, those with different research backgrounds or disciplines.The journal has an extraordinary and diverse editorial board in terms of their disciplines and geo-locations, which include Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South Americas and the Middle East. More scholars will be invited to join the editorial board so to make JCA a truly global platform for global cyber affairs.Most of the JCA articles will be reviews, overviews or meta-analysis studies on significant progress in the areas of the impact, application and adoption of cyber technology, rather than addressing one minor breakthrough whose significance is limited to specially trained researchers in the same area.Most authors have an interest to share their latest research to a wide range of readers who may not conduct research in that particularly area but may still get inspired and engaged.The editorial board is truly global and multidisciplinary, which consists of leading international schol
Upcoming Major Changes and Dialogues Opportunities on U.S. Cyberspace Strategies under the Leadership of Next U.S. President, JCA will be a cynosure of readership, in particular, for policy makers, executives, scholars and researchers who care about cyber affairs. Authors who come to publish their articles in JCA have the intention of engaging not only academics in their own research disciplines but also those from different research areas and non-academics like policy makers, business leaders and related professionals. Thus, JCA will be particularly appealing to the readers who have an intense interest in cyber affairs that are examined in various perspectives but do not wish to spend too much time in cracking jargons.